
Hi, I’m Luke Quanbeck, multimedia marketing writer.

I currently work at Free Lutheran Bible College and Seminary in Plymouth, MN as communications coordinator. There I oversee external communications in print, web, and live video.

Previously, I was blog writer and YouTube personality for Paracord Planet’s parent company, International Marketing Systems LTD.

While these workplaces have pushed me to learn the technical side of marketing and media technologies, what really motivates me is telling a good story.

Respected entrepreneur and marketing guru, Seth Godin, describes marketing at “The stories we tell.” Many Christians are uneasy about marketing their church or ministry, but with Godin’s definition, how can we not market the greatest story ever told?

In my blog, I occasionally write about the intersection of marketing, self improvement, and Christianity. I encourage you to check it out.

I’ve also started a new blog, Young Lutherans, where I write more about how the church interacts with culture and the younger generation.